12 strategies for preparing for and responding to severe storms


A downpour is when a large amount of rain falls in one hour. These environments can cause a variety of disasters, including flooding, landslides, and river overflows, so you need to have a proper preparation and response strategy for heavy rainfall. Heavy rainfall occurs when a low pressure system passes through or a typhoon makes landfall. A cyclone or typhoon contains a large amount of water vapor, which falls as rain when it reaches the surface. Torrential downpours are large amounts of rain in a short period of time, which can cause disasters such as flooding, landslides, and river overflows.

Rain Drops

6 Basic Preparations for Severe Rainstorms

There are a few things you can do to prepare for an emergency.

1. Prepare emergency food and water

When heavy rains are expected, it’s important to have plenty of emergency food and bottled water in your home. Emergency food supplies, including water, should include at least 2 liters of water per person per day and at least 3 days of food for situations where drinking water may not be available.

2. Remove trash from drainage ditches and streams

Trash that accumulates in drains or streams can cause flooding or overflows during heavy rains. It’s a good idea to keep drains and streams clear, especially during seasons when heavy rainfall is expected.

3. Create an evacuation plan if you live in high ground

People living in higher elevations are at risk of landslides. That’s why it’s important to have an evacuation plan in place, and to have supplies on hand so you can evacuate quickly.

4. Secure electronics and furniture in your home

If electronics and furniture in your home aren’t properly secured, they can be a fire hazard if your home is inundated by floodwaters, floating furniture or electronics, or caused by electrical shocks.

5. Check the safety of roads and bridges

Check the safety of roads and bridges ahead of time, and if they’re in an unsafe condition, consider fixing them or taking an alternate route before a heavy rainstorm arrives.

6. Follow safety tips when hiking in the mountains

If you’re hiking in the mountains, you’re at risk of landslides and rapids, so be sure to follow good safety practices. It’s also a good idea to stay up to date with the latest weather information and know where hiking routes and shelters are located to stay safe.

manipulation, frog, bench

6 Things to do during a severe rainstorm

In the event of a severe rainstorm, you should respond as follows

1. get weather information from TV, radio, internet, etc.

Weather is the most important piece of information during a severe rainstorm. Stay informed about the weather through TV, radio, and the internet, especially if a special advisory or warning is issued for heavy rainfall.

2. Avoid going out and stay home

Limit your outings and stay in a safe place. Avoid unnecessary travel, especially if road or weather conditions are poor.

3. close windows and avoid ventilation in your home

Close windows in your home to keep water out, and ventilate only when necessary. It’s also a good idea to keep drains open to allow water in your home to drain away.

4. reduce electricity use

If there is a risk of flooding, it is safe to reduce electricity use or turn off power. Reduce the risk of electrical shock

It’s a good idea to disconnect power to electrical appliances that aren’t needed in advance.

5. Avoid flooded areas

Avoid flooded areas or areas at risk of flooding, and consider moving to safer, higher ground. If possible, it’s a good idea to know the flood zones and shelter locations in your area ahead of time.

6. Report to 119

In the event of an emergency, you should immediately call 119 or the nearest fire department. Responding to disasters such as flooding or landslides caused by heavy rains requires specialized knowledge and experience, and the public should seek help from professional rescue organizations rather than attempting to respond on their own.

Heavy rainfall is often a very dangerous environmental disaster. Therefore, it’s important to prepare in advance for heavy rainfall and act quickly when it occurs. If this article has helped you learn how to prepare for a severe rainstorm, please share it with others.

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