5 Tips for Surviving a Nuclear Attack, Nuclear War

Nuclear war and nuclear strikes are too outrageous a topic? With nine countries now officially possessing nuclear weapons, the possibility of a nuclear apocalypse is open. How can you survive such a scenario? I’d like to share some tips on how to survive the initial explosion, its aftermath, and the “nuclear winter” that follows.

This post is based on the English version of this video.

nuclear weapons test nuclear weapon weapons test explosion 73909

1. Find shelter quickly

When the alarms and sirens go off indicating an impending nuclear attack, the first thing you should do is seek shelter. Driving away may seem like the ideal response, but the reality is that evacuation routes are likely to be crowded and you may not be able to move. If you’re trapped in a car, you’re probably more vulnerable to the effects of a nuclear explosion.

Shelters, especially underground bunkers or subways, can provide much-needed protection from a nuclear attack. These places are built to withstand impact and protect their occupants from the direct aftermath of an attack. If these places are not readily available, you can substitute the largest cement building in your neighborhood. Choose an underground or building center for maximum protection.

After a deafening explosion, it’s still very dangerous to go outside, so you should stay put.

2. Beware of fallout

After the initial explosion, there is “fallout,” a buildup of radioactive material in the form of dust and debris. Fallout can descend from the sky within 15 minutes of an explosion, covering everything in a layer of radioactivity. Contact with this material can result in fatal radiation poisoning.

Therefore, it is recommended that you stay indoors for at least 72 hours after exposure. Stock up on packaged food, bottled water, and first aid supplies to get you through this period, and to use as barterable goods afterward.

3. own precious metals or gold

In a cataclysmic scenario caused by a nuclear attack, traditional forms of money would be virtually worthless. However, precious metals like gold retain their value and can serve as currency during this time.

It’s a good idea to stockpile gold because it can be used as an asset in the event of an unforeseen transaction or in the future. It’s important to remember that when society collapses, gold is the most proven currency. (Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are not yet proven; we’ll never know).

4. Stay informed with radios, etc.

In the aftermath of an attack, internet and telecommunications services are likely to have been compromised, so finding information becomes critical. Radios can serve as a medium to obtain information about further attacks, shelter locations, or possible help.

Surviving a nuclear apocalypse requires more than individual effort. Collaborating with other survivors and working together can make a big difference. We can multiply resources, increase staffing, and provide emotional support during this difficult time.

5. as far south as possible!

According to fallout and post-attack scenarios, the effects of a nuclear attack may render the surrounding environment no longer habitable. Therefore, you should move to a warmer climate, especially to the south.

A nuclear explosion could send ash and soot into the stratosphere, blocking out the sun and lowering temperatures (“nuclear winter”). So, to survive, you need to move away from the cold north.

Surviving a nuclear apocalypse could mean forgoing luxuries and relying heavily on canned food to survive. The journey to survival is certainly arduous, but the ability to overcome such adversity is a testament to human resilience.


1. Why is it important to seek shelter immediately in the event of a nuclear attack?
If you evacuate during a nuclear attack, routes may become congested, making escape virtually impossible. Therefore, underground shelters or cement buildings provide immediate safety.

2. How long should survivors stay indoors after a nuclear explosion?
Ideally, survivors should stay indoors for at least 72 hours after a nuclear explosion to avoid radioactive fallout.

3. Why is gold valuable after a nuclear apocalypse?
When society collapses, traditional money becomes obsolete. Precious metals like gold retain their value and can serve as currency during times like these.

4. Why is it important to connect with other survivors?
Working with other survivors can increase your chances of survival by providing emotional support, increasing manpower, and combining resources.

5. Why do we need to move south a few days after a nuclear attack?
Nuclear fallout can combine with soot and ash blown into the stratosphere to block out the sun and cause a “nuclear winter. Therefore, you should move to the warmest region possible.

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