5 Ways to Overcome Insomnia

Insomnia is a condition in which you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Getting effective, natural sleep requires several methods and habit changes. In this article, we’ll give you five things you can try to overcome insomnia.

“Woman Sleeping” by Bruce Mars/ CC0 1.0

1. Improve your sleep habits

Improving your sleep habits before you go to bed is an important factor in overcoming insomnia. Below are some tips for improving your sleep habits.

1.1 Creating a sleep environment

A comfortable, quiet environment has a beneficial effect on sleep. You should set your bedroom to a comfortable and appropriate temperature and lighting, and try to minimize noise. It’s also been shown that using your bed only for sleep and no other activities, such as working or studying, can strengthen your connection to sleep.

1.2 Preparing for sleep

When you create a routine for sleep before you go to bed, your brain is triggered by that routine, making it easier to fall asleep. Pre-sleep preparations can include specific activities that help you fall asleep, such as tea powders or a veranda. However, to ensure a good night’s sleep, it’s best to avoid using electronics that emit strong light, such as smartphones and TVs.

2. stress management

Stress is known to be one of the most common causes of insomnia. Stress management is an important strategy for overcoming insomnia. Below are a few things you can do to help manage your stress.

2.1 Meditation and deep breathing

Meditation and deep breathing help calm the mind and body and relieve stress. Deep breathing or meditation releases potential stiffness and improves sleep. We recommend trying to incorporate five to ten minutes of meditation into your daily routine.

2.2 Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help relieve stress and improve sleep quality. But when it comes to exercise, you need to create a schedule that’s comfortable for you. Doing it early in the day rather than late in the evening or at night is better for maintaining good sleep for several days.

2.3 Stress Management Activities

You can try practicing stress management activities such as listening to music, reading, art, or swimming to relieve stress and address sleep issues. These activities can help you effectively relieve stress and promote sleep.

3. Adjust your eating habits

Poor eating habits affect sleep and can lead to insomnia. It’s important to maintain improved sleep quality by eating right. Below are some tips for controlling your eating habits.

3.1 Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake

Caffeine and alcohol are known substances that can disrupt sleep. If it’s a night when sleep is important, you may want to avoid caffeine and alcohol after lunch. Instead, opt for hot tea, decaffeinated beverages, or other fresh fruit juices.

3.2 Regular meal times

Maintaining organized eating habits helps improve sleep quality. Regular meal times can help prevent stress, digestive issues, and more. It’s also a good idea to choose lighter foods for dinner so that the digestive process doesn’t take as long.

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“sleeping in bed” author: NappyStock/ CC0 1.0

4. regulate body temperature before sleep

Your body temperature can affect the quality and length of your sleep. The idea is that regulating body temperature can promote sleep and improve insomnia. Here are some things you can try to regulate your body temperature before sleeping.

4.1 A warm bath

Taking a warm bath before bed is very helpful for sleep by raising your body’s temperature. This method brings relaxation to your muscles, which can lead to restful sleep.

4.2 Cool Environment

It’s important to have the right temperature in your room when you sleep. Cooler temperatures keep your body cooler and can promote sleep, so consider utilizing an air conditioner or fan to control the temperature.

5. Choose food and drink

The wrong food and drink choices can worsen insomnia, and conversely, the right choices can improve sleep. Below are foods and drinks that can help promote sleep and improve insomnia.

5.1 Foods to help you sleep

Foods that can help induce sleep include strawberries, bananas, lemon balm, and almonds. When you eat these foods, your body and brain produce melatonin, a chemical needed for sleep, which helps improve sleep quality.

5.2 Foods that disrupt sleep

High-fat foods, cheese, chocolate, and spicy foods, which are especially popular in Korea, are known to interfere with sleep. Consumption of these foods can affect sleep duration and quality, so it’s best to avoid them.

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