
Cryptos, or cryptocurrencies, are digital or virtual currencies that operate on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology without a central bank or single governing authority. Cryptocurrencies use cryptographic techniques to secure transactions, control the issuance of new units, and verify the transfer of assets. There are many different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, and this category provides information on everything from cryptocurrency basics to the latest trends and investment strategies.

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dog (dog-go-to-the-moon): Origins, current status, and future prospects

DOG-GO-TO-THE-MOON (DOG) is a community-driven meme coin issued on April 24, 2024 on the Bitcoin blockchain via the Runes protocol [4]. The coin combines the security of Bitcoin with the fun nature of a meme coin while leveraging the network. DOG’s goal is to attract millions of users to the Bitcoin world [4]. DOG was […]

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Bitcoin meme coin DOG reaches $336 million market cap after Runes airdrop

Recently, DOG (DOG-GO-TO-THE-MOON), a new meme coin on the Bitcoin network, has been garnering a lot of attention as it has been airdropped to its audience owners via the Loons protocol. The airdrop took place on Wednesday, and DOG immediately became the most widely held Runes token. The token already has over 74,000 holders, making

Bitcoin meme coin DOG reaches $336 million market cap after Runes airdrop Read More »

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How to sell your NFTs

Many of you may have received digital artwork in the form of NFTs as gifts at various events. The cryptocurrency market may be slowing down, but in the world of digital art and collector’s items, NFTs are still a hot topic. We’d like to share specifics on how to sell NFTs received through various events.

How to sell your NFTs Read More »

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