Personal development and health

This category covers articles on self-improvement tips and healthy living. Exploring how to harness the power of mind and language to achieve personal growth and maintain a healthy mind and body. Here, we also share various studies and ideas about our mental states and emotions, which directly affect our physical health, and how they are reflected in our language.

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Smoking and Brain Health: Shocking Research Findings

Recently, studies have been published about the serious effects of cigarette smoking on brain health, shocking many people. The study was conducted at the University of Washington School of Medicine in the US, and the results were published in the journal Biological Psychiatry. The team analyzed the genes and health information of more than half

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Water and Weight: Why Drinking Just Water Makes You Gain Weight

Some people gain weight just by drinking water. While many experts recommend eating and exercising to limit calorie intake, few have a clear explanation for why water with near-zero calories can make you gain weight. This is because it’s theoretically impossible for a calorie-free food to make you gain weight. However, our reality is not

Water and Weight: Why Drinking Just Water Makes You Gain Weight Read More »

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Why Going Vegetarian Makes You Feel Better

Because vegetarians eat only plant-based foods, their nutrient intake tends to be lower than non-vegetarians. However, recent studies have shown that vegetarians are less likely to experience negative emotions. A team of researchers at a British university conducted an experiment with vegetarians and non-vegetarians and found that vegetarians reported less depression, stress, and anxiety than

Why Going Vegetarian Makes You Feel Better Read More »

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Does Stretching Really Reduce Muscle Soreness?

Stretching is an exercise that relaxes muscles and improves flexibility. It is categorized into static stretching, which does not utilize recoil, and dynamic stretching, which does utilize recoil. Each stretching method is categorized by age and type of exercise. If you’re stretching in an open area, make sure you’re wearing a top, and if you’re

Does Stretching Really Reduce Muscle Soreness? Read More »

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Stress and hair loss, what’s the connection?

Many experts say that prolonged stress is linked to hair loss. Rather than direct hair loss due to stress, it’s more common for stress to accelerate hair shedding by stimulating existing causes of hair loss. The organs that are vulnerable to stress are the musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular systems. It has been linked to tension

Stress and hair loss, what’s the connection? Read More »

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How does good posture affect your overall health?

What is good posture? Definition of good posture Good posture is when bone-to-bone joints maintain ideographic angles while maintaining flexibility and stability in the muscles around them. This will keep you from experiencing muscle and joint pain that plagues your musculoskeletal system, including your shoulders, neck, and lower back. The importance of good posture Maintaining

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Is Starbucks coffee carcinogenic?

‍ Recently, the carcinogen “acrylamide” was detected in the products of major coffee companies in China. This has rocked China’s coffee industry, and consumers are becoming increasingly concerned. In this article, we’ll cover some basic information about acrylamide, what experts say about the issue, and how consumers should respond. What is acrylamide? Acrylamide is a

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