Five NewJeans members issue first statements on the ‘Adore Crisis’

Five members of girl group NewJeans – Daniel, Minzy, Hani, HaeRin, and HyeIn – have filed a petition with the court regarding a legal dispute between Adore and Hibe. This is the first official position regarding the hearing date for the motion for preliminary injunction against voting rights filed by Heejin Min of Adore.

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Background and content of petition submissions

Strong member bonds and parental support

Since their debut, the members of NewJins have shown a strong bond with CEO Min Heejin, calling her “mom. This petition submission seems to have been driven by this bond. Parents of members have also sided with Ms. Min in this case, which could be interpreted as members supporting him through the petition.

Heejin Min said that since Hibe began its audit against Adore, the company has fully discussed the matter with Newzine members and their legal representatives. She emphasized the support of members and parents, arguing that “the cultural achievements of NewJeans are ironically being most seriously undermined by Hibe.”

Entry to the Hibe

Hive, on the other hand, accused Min of not caring about protecting artists at all, arguing that if she was a true “mom,” she should be a shield. Hibe accused Min of using NewJeans members as a shield to protect himself. These conflicting positions further highlight the complexity of the situation.

Preliminary injunction cases and the future

Hive is planning to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on April 31 to replace the leadership team of Adore, including CEO Heejin Min. So the preliminary injunction decision is likely to come before this, and it will play an important role in determining where things go from here.

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Cultural performance and commercial interests

Since its debut, NewJeans has become a fan favorite and a huge success. Their music and style has been a breath of fresh air for many fans, which is a credit to Adore and Min Heejin. But the conflict with Hive aligned this cultural achievement with commercial interests, putting it at the center of a controversy.

Legal disputes and protecting artists’ rights

This raises important issues around protecting artists’ rights. Hive claims that Min is infringing on the rights of artists, while Min and NewJeans members counter that Hibe is infringing on their work. This debate is more than just a legal dispute, it raises important questions about artists’ rights and protections.


The “adore saga” took a new turn when NewJeans members started a petition. The fierce public battle between the two sides is likely to continue until a preliminary injunction decision is made, which will lead to an important discussion about artists’ rights and protections. The future of NewJeans and the direction of Adore is expected to be even more interesting.

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