How to Survive a Stabbing, Knife, and Don’t Ask Attack

Life can take unpredictable turns and put us in situations we never expected. One of these unpredictable scenarios is an indiscriminate stabbing attack, which is a dangerous and real situation in many parts of the world today. This guide aims to give you advice for dealing with this dreaded situation. This article referenced the foreign YouTube content at the bottom.

a knife sticking out of the side of a yellow and blue wall

Stabbing Incidents, Especially in Europe

Different regions of the world face different risks. In the United States, firearms account for 36% of homicides, while knife attacks account for 10%. However, in European countries with strict gun control laws, the picture is different, with knives appearing in 43% of homicides. The cultural habit of carrying a knife has led to a surge in stabbing deaths among 15- to 24-year-olds, especially in Northern Europe.

Survival Skills 1. Falling down and playing dead

In certain situations, playing dead can save your life. In 2015, a 19-year-old woman in the UK survived a horrific multiple knife attack by her ex-boyfriend and lived to tell the tale. By collapsing and appearing to be dead without resisting at the time, the assailant’s life was broken. This is because resistance can invite a sustained attack. As a result, I asked for help from those around me and was given the opportunity to recover through intensive therapy.

Survival skills 2. Protect Left

In a study conducted by Fight Smart, the most prominent pattern in the more than 200 knife attacks observed involved the attacker grabbing the victim’s clothing with their left hand and stabbing straight through. Most of these attackers were right-handed, so the left side of the victim was the primary target. Therefore, your self-defense should prioritize protecting your left flank, but also keep moving to confuse them.

Survival Skills 3. Run away

If you find yourself approached by someone wielding a knife, it’s best to indicate that you have no intention of fighting and calmly defuse the confrontation. If you get a chance to escape, take it. Otherwise, if an attack is attempted, retreat out of the knife’s range and work to disarm the assailant. It keeps the attacker off balance and distracted, allowing you to escape quickly. Turning your back on an attacker is a mistake that exposes a critical area and gives them room to land a fatal blow.

Survival Skills 4. When a knife is stuck in your body, you should leave it there.

It is dangerous to try to remove the knife from the wound. This is undesirable because it can accelerate bleeding, especially if arterial blood vessels are damaged. Instead, applying quick pressure to the area is the correct initial response and can slow the bleeding until you can get professional help.

This is the kind of knowledge that can turn the tide when you find yourself in a dire situation. Remember, it’s best to avoid the situation, but if you can’t, it’s important to act wisely to increase your chances of survival.


1. Are knife attacks more common than gun attacks in European countries?

Yes, knife attacks are more common in European countries with strict gun control laws.

2. What should I do if I’m attacked with a knife?

Your first priority is to avoid the attack and escape. If that’s not possible, stay to the left, keep moving, and don’t turn your back on the attacker.

3. Is it safe to remove the knife after being stabbed?

Removing the knife can cause further damage and massive bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound and get medical help immediately.

4. Can playing dead help?

In some cases, this can be helpful. Playing dead can trick attackers into thinking they’ve completed their mission, giving you a chance to escape or call for help.

5. What is the intent of the advice to protect the left side of the body?

Since most knife attackers are right-handed, the left side is more vulnerable to attack. In a knife attack, protecting your left side should be a priority.

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