What kind of private bar Lee Sun-Kyun visited for drugs? + other facts

The issue of actor Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s alleged drug use extended to the membership driking bar he was said to have frequented. The rooming house in question wasn’t on the same level as the overpriced Tenpros, but was secretly a membership organization. Membership-based rooming houses are places where you can never get in without an introduction from an existing member and are known to cater to only the highest echelons of society.

a bar with neon lights and a neon sign

1% VIP guests in the ‘Room Salon’

Recently, there were alligations that Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun was a VIP guest at an ultra-expensive bar that operated on a membership basis. The drinking bar, so called ‘room salon’ is located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and is known to be off-limits to the general public. The G-bar in Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, where Lee Sun-Kyunallegedly injected drugs, has been referred to by some media as a “ten-pro” brothel, but it is actually a membership-based driking bar and is classified as a “1%” establishment, meaning it is difficult for the public to enter without an invitation from an existing member.

Originally, the slang term “ten percent” meant that the T/C (table charge) at a restaurant was 10 percent, because 1 percent wasn’t a “T/C,” but rather a place where only the top 1 percent could get in.

These bars are known for offering very expensive services, making them an out-of-this-world experience for the general public. The prices for services here are quite high, with reports suggesting that the cost of alcohol alone for three to four people can range from 800 to 1,000 won, and the table charge (T/C) for the waitresses can reach 200 won. The clientele that pays these high prices is mostly made up of famous athletes, entertainers, and business executives, making it a status symbol of sorts.

Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s visit to this bar is known through his relationship with Mr. C, the manager of the bar, and their friendship is an important clue to the alleged drug use. Exactly what Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun was doing there, and how the allegations of drug use came to be, is still unclear.

This makes the case more than just a celebrity scandal, it’s sparking social debate and renewed interest in the overpriced services of nightclubs, the entertainment industry, and the problems of the upper echelons of society.

By the way, it was confirmed that another nightclubin the same place where G bar was originally located in confirmed that another nightclub. It’s not known where the G bar has moved to.

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How celebrities became VIPs

Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun reportedly became a regular after getting to know Mr. C, the manager of the bar. In addition, Mr. C is suspected of taking multiple doses of cannabis and other drugs at his home in Seoul, and inevitably faces legal consequences. The allegations were sparked by a tip about the bar, which led Lee Sun-Kyun to a lead on Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun. Subsequently, Mr. C, the manager of the bar, was arrested on suspicion of incense under the Narcotic Substances Control Act, and a female employee in her 20s who worked at the same establishment was also booked.

Recent rumors

The following is a recent rumor that has been circulating in journalists’ chat rooms, so please be forewarned that it may not be true. I simply copied and shared this and will delete it if it becomes an issue.

He went to the room and took a pill that the madam gave him called Viagra, but it was a drug and I slept with my roommate after taking it. He loved the feeling of that moment so much that I repeated it afterward. The madam blackmailed him. Money grabed. Madams quarrel over distribution of money. The police are called and the medication is discovered. She Mentioned the names who were with when she said she’d halve your sentence.
The news of an impending divorce is a bonus.

<How the Gyeonggi Newspaper reported the news at the first time?>
Actor Lee Sun-Kyun is under police investigation for suspected drug use…This story was first reported by Gyeonggi Newspaper.
The lieutenant reported by Gyeonggi Newspaper said that the case was transferred between Incheon National Police Agency and Seoul Gangnam Police Station.
The Seoul Gangnam Police Station claimed that the case was a drug case involving celebrities, 3 rich family, and others, so they were greedy about the results… When the Incheon National Police Agency first learned of the case, and in the process of investigating the case by summoning related parties, the Seoul Gangnam Police Station claimed that the area where the case occurred was their area and demanded to transfer it.
The Incheon National Police Agency didn’t want to transfer the case, so he told a close reporter from Gyeonggi Newspaper to report on it.

-Celebrity Yeouido Chirashi

-E00 has been drinking and sleeping with up-girl A (a rooming house girl from Tenplo) since the beginning of 23 years.

-A is 20 years older than Lee00

-This couple has been neglected for a long time, and so has this one (window couple because of family image advertisement)

-This person has already used cannabis (this isn’t just for celebrities, many people do it, and there are procedures and shampoos in other countries that can extract cannabis from the body so celebrities don’t get caught).

-Mr. A took drugs (not once, but several times, presumably meth – this is being investigated by Mr. A).

-He’s addicted to drinking and sex, and has dozens of call logs with A. (Police Evidence)

-Threatened by Mr. A for having sex with drugs (300 million won for various drugs ranging from weed to alcohol)

-Currently, Mr. A was arrested and is being questioned, and Mr. B lost money on a building sign, an advertiser, and a movie penalty.

-C0 is in an emergency, and with this, the operators have already pulled out of C0.

Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun has filed a complaint with the Incheon District Prosecutor’s Office for extortion, alleging that Mr. C threatened him and extorted a large sum of money. In addition, Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s lawyer said, “It’s hard to say yet about the alleged drug use.” In a related development, Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s agency, HODOO & U Entertainment, also took an official stance, stating, “Lee Sun-Kyun has been receiving continuous blackmail and threats from individuals involved in the case,” and that they will “sincerely cooperate with the investigative agencies’ investigation.”

The case is sparking social discussion on many fronts, and we look forward to the legal process and Mr. Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s response and clarification. This incident reminds us of the seriousness of the drug problem in entertainment venues and celebrities in our society, and the need to thoroughly investigate and take measures against it.

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