Modernizing a hanok

- From Hanok to Highrise: Korea's Urban Evolution

A hanok is defined as a building constructed using traditional wooden construction methods, but over the past few decades, it has undergone various changes and is now recognized as a hanok for all types of buildings, including thatched houses, nawa houses, palaces, and temples.

Whereas traditional hanoks have a spontaneous or planned collective landscape and a combination of residential and non-residential functions applicable to various sites and living conditions, 21st century Seoul-style hanoks are residential spaces that can utilize three-dimensional space and satisfy the needs of various entities such as public, private, and commercial. With these design elements, we envisioned a house of creative design that is well-suited to modern life, and a place where you can feel refreshed.

According to the Ordinance on the Preservation and Promotion of Hanoks in Seoul, “A hanok is a building whose main structure is made of wood and uses Korean tableware and its accessories that retains its traditional beauty. As the definition of hanok has been defined and protected by legislation, the design of 21st-century Seoul hanoks has also been shaped by this standard.

In some hanok villages, traditional and modern hanoks coexist together, creating a unique atmosphere in the city. The 21st-century Seoul-style hanok is recognized as an attractive space for Seoul residents, foreign tourists, and various industries, and is expected to develop into something more diverse in the future.

South Korea’s past urban housing development

Western houses, Japanese houses, and the rise of urban hanoks

The development of urban housing in South Korea has historically been dominated by Western-style housing and Japanese-style housing. Western-style houses in the early modern development period were popular for their intuitiveness and popularity. After the Korean War in the 1950s, reconstruction and redevelopment plans would completely change the architecture and living conditions. And we can’t ignore the influence of colonial Japanese houses. Japanese-style houses, suitable for Japanese people to live in, are interestingly adapted from their environment and have surrealist architectural features.

It also introduces a new housing style called urban hanok, which represents the modern urban culture of the 21st century. Urban hanok is a way of living that preserves and improves historic buildings and gives them a new quality of life with modern features. These urban hanoks are gaining popularity and bringing about a variety of changes in hanok renovation and living spaces.

Origins and historical context of Western-style houses

Western-style houses typically include the pre-19th-century classicist style and the post-19th-century reactionary style. The Korean Empire introduced European-style architecture. But it doesn’t fit into the urban culture of Korea, so people reject it and start going back to their own architectural style.

Coping with winter in a Japanese-style home and adapting to the Korean style

Japanese-style homes emphasize the functional aspect of coping with cold weather in winter. However, homes in South Korea are designed to fit the climate and culture of the Korean Peninsula.

These diverse housing environments, including Western-style houses, Japanese-style houses, and urban hanoks that take into account the climate, environment, and culture of Korea, are driving the urbanization of modern Korea. South Korea’s urban development is shaping a new culture through the collision and fusion of these architectural styles.

The era of high building: the demise of the traditional hanok

The history of the replacement of hanoks and high-rise apartments

Hanok is a traditional architectural style that originated in Korea since ancient times. However, they have historically been a good substitute for high-rise apartments. Since the late 20th century, large-scale development and urbanization have led to the gradual disappearance of traditional hanok. Things like heated floors and wood construction are technologies that have stood the test of time and helped us live healthier lives. But right now, we can’t accommodate residential complexes and these large missions.

In South Korea, modern high-rise housing was developed in the 1960s. Since then, they’ve continued to grow in size and number. Over the past 50 years, driven by the needs of population growth and urbanization, Korean society has demanded infinite height. To do this, many traditional hanoks are destroyed and most of the land is dotted with high-rise buildings.

Hanok Maintenance, Development, and Current Issues

Hanok is a technology that is conducive to healthy living because it uses technologies like ondol. In addition, hanok can be used on a smaller scale, such as Cheonpyeongdae, to account for different conditions. So it’s important to capitalize on these strengths, but also evolve with the times. Recently, the concept of ‘Shinhanok’, which upgrades the traditional hanok with modern features, has been proposed and gained high interest. This approach also frees up interior design and addresses environmental concerns by moving away from traditional stately homes and not replacing existing architecture, and reducing the potential for urban smog.

However, there are challenges. Traditional hanoks can be difficult to maintain and uncomfortable to live in, as most people want modern conveniences. In addition, it is still a concern that Shinhanok architecture is still far from being recognized by domestic architectural associations and related organizations. Therefore, preserving and utilizing hanok is an important public interest issue that can be addressed in the field of Korean architecture.

The modern role of urban hanok

The role of urban hanok in modern times

Hanok is being adapted to meet the needs of different functions and new purposes. For example, you might design a hanok as a complex space. In this case, you can design a complex building and organize it into separate spaces. The mixed-use areas of a hanok can be used for a variety of purposes, including offices, showrooms, and apartments.

And hanok is an important part of our culture. The preservation and maintenance of hanok is crucial, as it is one of the first steps in preventing the loss of cultural heritage as modern urbanization progresses.

The design, architecture, and technological advances of the modern urban hanok

Modern architectural design and technological advances are being made using hanok. Interior designers and architects are combining modern facilities and technology to enhance the design and functionality of hanok. These changes have been made in novel and innovative ways over the past few years. For example, introducing smart technology to enhance the convenience of a hanok or introducing a service that offers personalized design. Green building technologies are also being adopted, such as zero-energy buildings.

In summary, an urban hanok is a style with modern facilities and technology, cultural heritage, and historical value. And with continued development and research, more applications can be found.

Oppressive tradition, inheritance, or rebellion: The transformation and desirability of hanok.

The traditional aesthetic of hanok and its potential for continuity in modern spaces

Hanok is one of the most popular cultural properties in Korea and abroad. However, there is a problem with how to carry on this traditional hanok aesthetic in a modern space. Hanok is also unique in its aesthetics. However, traditional hanoks have continued to exist with many constraints. Now we need to preserve those traditions and find a way to carry them forward in a modern space.

The basic structure and aesthetic of hanok architecture can be replicated in modern spaces. By utilizing existing architectural structures and design elements, new ideas and technologies can be introduced. For example, the aesthetics of a hanok can be recreated through special ceiling designs, lighting, and floor plans. Additionally, a modestly sized hanok building can be fully integrated in a modern interior design that emphasizes a cozy and comfortable feel.

The historical transformation of hanok and its current problems

Hanoks continue to exist and change until now because of their unique design and aesthetic value. However, some of these changes negate or marginalize the heritage of traditional hanok. Due to the gradual rise in popularity of hanok itself, small multi-family houses or wooden buildings are increasingly referred to as hanok on the Internet.

When it comes to the transformation of hanok, it is necessary to preserve the design and aesthetic values of traditional hanok and develop them for the better. The endeavor is about cultural heritage, attractive spaces, and, of course, sustainable architecture.

As interest in and demand for hanok grows, there is a need for its preservation and authenticity. This endeavor can begin by finding a balance between traditional values and modern technology. To ensure the succession of hanok, we must consciously move towards fully understanding and preserving its heritage value.Seoul’s urban hanok is incredibly rich when compared to the rest of the country. For example, there are many places where you can experience hanok, such as in the Jongno and Gangnam Station areas. Through its attention to history and tradition, preservation policies, innovative architectural design, and various events, Seoul views hanok as a cultural heritage that is still very important today.

Located inside Gyeongbokgung Palace, Jeonggwan-dang is a representative building that preserves the history and traditions of hanok. Along with traditional cultural experience programs, there are also cultural events and exhibitions related to the city’s hanoks. The city of Seoul also has a program called “Hanok 100 Years of Living Tree” (Korea Architecture and Culture Agency) to preserve our traditional architecture and plan a world-class city.

The city of Seoul recognizes the importance of urban hanok, and there are different styles that combine modern design and technology. For example, the ‘Hanok Design Idea Contest for a Better Seoul’ was held, and it was a hit, with many innovative hanok designs presented. In addition, hanok stays were created for tourists. These efforts demonstrate Seoul’s interest in and love for urban hanok architecture, creating stunning structures that blend tradition and modernity in the heart of the city.

Seoul’s urban hanoks are more than just architecture. Cultural content, tourism, food, art, and more. Therefore, Seoul now recognizes the need and importance of urban hanoks, and they are continuously preserved and developed.

Design and technical challenges of a modern urban hanok

Hanok design, technical issues, and design decisions in an urban environment

When it comes to urban hanok design in Seoul, harmonization and interaction with the natural environment is very important. But in urban environments, thinking about these design and technical issues is essential. A hanok needs a strong structure, but at the same time, it needs to address issues like heat and moisture from the house. This has always been a concern when designing and building urban hanoks.

When it comes to hanok design decisions, it’s not only about harmonizing with the natural environment, but also about preserving the historic, non-traditional aspects. A lot of research and development has gone into solving these problems.

Analyze hanok sites and create spaces in major cities

When it comes to analyzing hanok locations in Seoul, there are many hanok experience centers and B&Bs operating around Jongno-gu and Gangnam Station. Some of these places are preserving traditional hanoks while combining them with modern interior facilities and structures to provide more convenient accommodations. It also offers various cultural contents to tourists, such as a hanok experience program, which has become popular.

In addition to discussing hanok architectural issues, the city of Seoul is also working to preserve and develop hanok through ongoing research and development. Through these efforts, urban hanok will always continue to evolve, combining history and tradition with modern design and technology.

Recent: From Hanok to Modern Buildings

The wealth of hanoks and their modern design decisions

Hanok has its own architectural language and traditional design characteristics. However, there are limitations in terms of functionality and practicality, as well as modern requirements for inclusion of various programs. Therefore, the city of Seoul has been researching and working on modern designs that incorporate modern architectural language and technology while maintaining some elements of hanok.

Projects like Hotel Lagung, which I mentioned earlier, are examples of this. Lagung used the traditional hanok body shape and matching materials to create a stunning building. This convergent design approach is now being applied in many architectural projects. In a recent smart hanok project, a modern design was proposed that retained the traditional structure of a hanok but incorporated smart, modern technology.

The health of hanok and the technical challenges of modern buildings

Meanwhile, the semantics and architectural language of hanok is very rich. However, buildings based on such wealth and valuable content can be architecturally unsound if they are built indiscriminately. The Seoul Metropolitan Government continues its efforts to recycle buildings and strengthen cultural businesses by conducting building maintenance with managers at hanok experience centers and tourist destinations.

In modern buildings, technical issues are likely to arise. Unlike many traditional buildings, skyscrapers can pose safety concerns for earthquakes or other natural disasters. Therefore, Seoul City recognizes that the stability of buildings and the health and safety of residents are top priorities, and conducts lifecycle management of buildings through various measures such as maintenance and repair and regulation.

The city of Seoul recognizes the importance of the harmonious relationship between hanok and modern architecture and is exploring new ways to bring them together. To this end, the city runs a variety of programs, including research, exhibitions, and collaborative projects, and continues its efforts to improve architecture and improve spatial efficiency.


Contrasting the historical and modern meanings of hanok

A hanok is an architectural style with a unique architectural language of Korean tradition, which carries the culture and history of our ancestors. However, there are some inconvenient aspects of living in the modern world, so a lot of research and development is being done to overcome the existing limitations while maintaining the traditional look of hanok. This is how hanok survives as an architectural style with its own unique charm.

While modern architecture has evolved alongside technological advances, hanok is a style of architecture that inherits its traditions and culture. In the midst of these contrasts, it’s important to recognize that while they have different meanings, they complement each other and converge and evolve.

Introduce the possibility of developing, maintaining, or transforming Hanok and modern architecture.

The city of Seoul seeks to preserve hanoks while modernizing them. However, if buildings based on the meaning and architectural language of hanok are overbuilt, it can be unhealthy for the character of the architecture. Therefore, the city of Seoul prioritizes the stability of its buildings and the health and safety of its residents, and conducts lifecycle management of its buildings.

Various studies are being conducted on the development potential of hanok. In the Smart Hanok project, a modern design is proposed that maintains the traditional structure of a hanok but introduces smart, modern technology. There are also many architectural and cultural projects utilizing hanok. However, it is true that hanoks need to accommodate various programs such as hotels, public facilities, and residential while preserving their value.

The city of Seoul is pursuing a fusion of hanok and modern architecture, taking into account the stability of the building and the living environment of its residents. As different architectural styles converge and evolve, it’s important to capitalize on their strengths and complement each other.

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