Morning Brushing: Before vs After Meal


In many households, it’s common practice to brush your teeth after meals. One of the reasons could be that the flavor of the food you eat, tea, coffee, orange juice, etc. changes after brushing your teeth. However, dental professionals have a different opinion.

Dentist’s Advisory: The Importance of Brushing Before Meals

Brushing your teeth after a meal is a common practice for many people. This is because brushing your teeth after consuming food, tea, coffee, orange juice, etc. can change the taste. Dental professionals, however, have a different view.

In an interview with the British publication The Mirror, dentist Dr. John Hewitt emphasizes the importance of brushing your teeth before meals. In particular, he says brushing within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning is most effective. He explains that while you sleep, your mouth becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and plaque builds up overnight. Therefore, removing plaque before meals is said to be a great way to prevent tooth decay. That’s what dental professionals recommend.

Alternative oral care methods

Dr. John Hewitt explains that while you sleep, bacteria grow in your mouth, causing plaque to build up overnight. That’s why we emphasize that removing plaque before meals helps prevent cavities.

If you can’t brush your teeth in the morning, Dr. Hewitt recommends rinsing your mouth with mouthwash or chewing sugar-free gum. Chewing sugarless gum helps protect your mouth by stimulating saliva production.

Breakfast Choices and Dental Health

What you eat for breakfast also affects the health of your gums and teeth. Dr. Hewitt recommends avoiding sugar and highly acidic foods, and instead recommends foods like plain yogurt, cheese, and milk, which are rich in calcium and protein.

Timing of brushing after meals

If you were unable to brush your teeth before a meal, it’s best to wait as long as possible afterward to brush your teeth. After eating acidic foods, your tooth enamel is soft and can be damaged if you brush right away.

By following these expert tips, you can take better care of your teeth and gum health.

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