Subway bed bug emergency, bed bugs found in trench cord!

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Recently, a thread called “I found bed bugs in my trench coat” has been trending around the online community(Decidedly Bed Bug Gallery). Bed bugs are pests that cause a lot of discomfort and pain to many people despite their small size, and there is a growing fear of them. We’ll also talk about the dangers of bed bugs and Seoul’s Zero Bed Bug City project.

Bed bugs, those little terrors

Recently, a citizen traveling from Suwon to Seoul found bed bugs in his trench coat and shared it online with a photo, sparking anxiety among many. The citizen says he found bed bugs on his clothes after taking various public transportation options, so he’s not sure exactly where they got on his clothes. Now, the author of the piece is frustrated with reporters who took his words without thinking.

In a follow-up post, he said, “The photos and articles I uploaded to Dish were used in the article, but they were not uploaded as they were originally written, but were slightly distorted to make them misleading to the average person in society, and I feel a little offended that people who claim to be journalists are taking internet posts and writing articles about them.”

Bed bugs are primarily known to inhabit sleeping areas such as beds, but increasingly they are being found on public transportation, as in this case. Bed bug bites can cause severe itching and even psychological anxiety, which can greatly disrupt your daily life.

Seoul’s response, the Zero Bedbug City Project

In response to this situation, the city of Seoul is implementing the “Zero Bedbug City Project”. The project aims to eradicate bed bugs from public accommodations, including bathhouses, steam rooms, and hotels, by conducting a comprehensive survey.

Honorary public health inspectors are stepping up to the plate to tackle the problem, and indeed, their efforts are reportedly leading to bedbugs being found in many properties and appropriate action being taken. Through this project, the city of Seoul is committed to creating an environment where citizens can live safely from bedbugs.

Prioritized inspections of public access facilities in Seoul

The city of Seoul is conducting intensive inspections of similar public facilities, noting that the initial detection of bedbugs was in a sauna in Incheon. In particular, we are strictly managing the hygienic conditions of accommodations, baths, and steam rooms, and to this end, we have mobilized 283 honorary public health monitors since last month to thoroughly inspect 3,175 facilities. When violations are found, we issue administrative penalties and disclose them on our website to raise awareness among citizens.

Inspections of tourist hotels in Seoul, where there are many foreign visitors, are also being intensified. As a preemptive measure against bedbugs that are likely to be imported from abroad, we have a policy of immediate extermination if bedbugs are found in a property, followed by follow-up inspections every 10 days to ensure complete eradication. Special attention is given to facilities with poor sanitation, such as shantytowns and high schools, which have difficulty preventing and controlling bedbugs. Seoul has allocated a budget of 500 million won to thoroughly treat these facilities and has created and distributed a self-checklist to help people check for bedbugs on their own. We will also provide sanitation supplies such as disinfectant to maintain ongoing hygiene, and support immediate extermination in the event of a bed bug outbreak.

Enhanced sanitation for public transportation and multi-use facilities

Fabric chairs in the subway, which are used by many citizens on a daily basis, will be regularly cleaned with high-temperature steam, and multi-use facilities such as movie theaters will also be thoroughly disinfected and sanitized. These measures are designed to stop the spread of bed bugs and ensure the safety of our citizens.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government operates the Bed Bug Outbreak Reporting Center, which allows citizens to report bed bugs through public health centers, the 120 Fertility Call Center, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government website. Once a report is received, the city promises to be on the scene quickly to conduct control operations.

However, despite these government efforts, the bed bug scare continues. Some apartment complexes are conducting their own emergency disinfections, and many citizens are hesitant to stay in their properties.

Domestic bed bugs are hard to eradicate even with insecticides

The problem is that bed bugs found domestically are not easily eradicated with common insecticides on the market. As a result, the agency is looking into the use of alternative insecticides, which suggests that bed bug problems may be more than just a daily inconvenience, but a health concern.

Bed bugs are extremely hardy and reproductive, making them very difficult to eradicate once they have established a colony. For this reason, experts recommend reporting any bed bug findings to a professional exterminator immediately and taking appropriate action.

When citizens need to help

Bed bug problems are difficult to solve on your own. We need your active reporting and cooperation. If you find bed bugs or suspect a bite, don’t hesitate to report it to the proper authorities.

It’s also important to take precautions such as practicing good personal hygiene, dusting your clothes after leaving the house, and keeping your home clean. When using public transportation, avoid sitting on the floor as much as possible and hang your clothes on hangers.

Seoul is taking active measures to become a bedbug-free city, but we need your cooperation and attention. Let’s work together to create safe, clean, bedbug-free urban environments.

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