Tangible addictive, similar to tobacco or alcohol

One of the favorite foods of kids and teens these days, tanghuru, has been found to be very unhealthy. Tanghuru, along with macaroons, are called ultra-processed foods. Research has recently been published on how this ultra-processed food affects our health and how addictive it can be.

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Studies show addictive properties of ultra-processed foods, including tanghuru addiction

In a comprehensive analysis of 281 studies from around the world, a team of researchers from the University of Michigan found that a certain percentage of adults and adolescents have an addiction to ultra-processed foods. Specifically, 14% of adults and 12% of teens had these addictions, with ultra-processed foods being the most common.

Diagnostic criteria for tanghuru poisoning

The researchers diagnosed addiction based on reduced control over food, withdrawal symptoms, and binge eating disorder. Surprisingly, it turns out that this level of addiction is similar to that of alcohol or tobacco. In particular, seeing these numbers in adolescents was something we hadn’t seen before.

Tanghulu addiction mechanisms and solutions

Studies have shown that ultra-processed foods like tanghuru can boost dopamine levels, which can make you feel good, but eventually lead to addiction. However, the specific ingredients responsible for ultra-processed food addiction have yet to be determined. The team analyzed the interaction of multiple ingredients as a possible contributor to the addictive nature of ultra-processed foods.

The researchers recommend that the solution to this problem is to officially recognize the highly addictive nature of ultra-processed foods, and to develop a range of policies and treatment guidelines based on this.


The study was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), an international journal. This study is expected to further emphasize the health risks and addictive nature of ultra-processed foods.

ice-sugar gourd, bing tanghulu, tanghulu


  • Where were the studies on ultra-processed food addictions, such as tanghuru addiction, conducted?

Conducted at the University of Michigan, USA.

  • What are the criteria for diagnosing tanghuru poisoning?

It was based on decreased control over food, withdrawal symptoms, and binge eating disorder.

  • Tanghulu What causes addiction?

The specific cause has not yet been determined, but our analysis suggests that it is likely due to the interaction of several ingredients.

  • Where were the findings published?

Published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

  • What is the solution to the Tanghulu addiction problem?

The idea is to officially recognize the highly addictive nature of ultra-processed foods, and to create a range of policies and treatment guidelines based on that recognition.

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