The Truth About the Coupang Bedbug Controversy


The recent rumor of bedbug discovery in a Coupang warehouse has generated a lot of interest in the online community. However, Coupang has clearly refuted these claims as “baseless rumors” and emphasized the thoroughness of its disinfection and hygiene management. The source of the story is known to be some mommy cafes and bed bug communities.

The importance of regular hygiene

Coupang has officially stated that all of its warehouses are regularly disinfected by a professional company. This is a basic yet essential procedure for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in your distribution center. These controls play a key role in delivering safe products to consumers.

The author of the post in question said, “It’s said that it came from Goku (Goyang Coupang) Freshback or something,” and “I can’t use Coupang for a while.”

Bed bug survey results can be found at

No bed bugs were found during the site inspection. This shows that the sanitary conditions in the warehouse are well maintained. In addition, other local health centers, including the Yongin Health Center, are also planning on-site inspections of Coupang distribution centers, indicating the continued attention and thorough investigation of this issue. “To date, no cases of related pests have been found,” Coupang said, “and we have requested the police to investigate the original spreader of the falsehood and the person who spread the rumor.”


Rumors of bedbugs in Coupang’s warehouses have not been confirmed, and Coupang is threatening legal action. He added that the company’s hygiene management system is robust and that it will continue to manage and improve to maintain trust.

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