Tokyo weather: the hottest November in 100 years


The temperature in downtown Tokyo recently reached 27.5 degrees Celsius, the highest November temperature in 100 years, the Yomiuri Shimbun and NHK reported. This surpasses the 27.3 degrees observed on November 1, 1923, and, most notably, is the first time in recorded history that such “summer weather” has occurred on two consecutive days in November, a month on the threshold of winter.

Temperature conditions by region

In addition to Tokyo, the Kanto region and neighboring areas also experienced unusually high high temperatures due to the influx of warm air. For example, Kofu City in Yamanashi Prefecture recorded 28.4 degrees, while Odawara City in Kanagawa Prefecture and Sakura City in Chiba Prefecture recorded 28.1 degrees. These are all above normal temperatures.

Causes and trends of rising temperatures

Over the past four days, the temperature in central Tokyo has risen to 26.3 degrees Celsius, marking the first time in 14 years since 2009 that the city has recorded temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius in November. This year, the number of days classified as summer in the Tokyo metropolitan area rose to 141, the most since records began. The Japan Meteorological Agency categorizes days with a maximum temperature above 25 degrees as summer days.

These rising temperatures are being analyzed as a result of warm air flowing in from the south, which can be seen as part of global climate change. Rising temperatures are having a variety of impacts on local agriculture, ecosystems, and daily life, requiring ongoing monitoring and research.

You can find more information and analysis on rising temperatures in the following articles. The articlealso provides additional information on the rising temperature trend in Tokyo.

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