Typhoon Kanun makes landfall in South Korea

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Typhoon Kanunmade landfall in South Korea on Thursday, causing devastation across the region. The typhoon’s slow progression amplified its impact, causing torrential rains and high winds over two days. Yoon warned residents of potential risks, including landslides and flooding.

1. South Korea’s struggles: Impact and precautions

The immediate impact of Typhoon Karnun

With winds of up to 63 mph, the immediate impact of Typhoon Karnun included more than 100 flight cancellations, school closures in several cities, and the evacuation of more than 10,000 residents.

B. Safety Measures Taken

To protect citizens and property, ships were returned to port to ensure their safety in inclement weather.

2. Typhoon Kanun: unprecedented rainfall and rainy season

A. Unusual weather patterns in South Korea

South Korea recently experienced an unusually wet and deadly storm season. The rainy season has caused widespread damage, with 47 people killed and 35 injured last month.

B. Predicted rainfall in Kanun

Kanun is expected to bring an additional 20 inches of rain, making the situation even worse.

C. Weather issues in East Asia

Japan and China are also suffering from severe weather, with six people killed in Japan’s Kyushu region by some of the heaviest rains on record, and Typhoon Doksuri claiming 33 lives in Beijing last week.

3. Kanun’s path and evacuation efforts

A. Kanun’s Early Impact

Kanun hit Okinawa, Japan, causing two deaths, numerous injuries, and widespread power outages.

B. Evacuation measures in South Korea and Japan

As it moved toward the southern islands of South Korea and Japan, both countries issued landslide and flood warnings, and even the 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea had to be evacuated.

C. Retaining Information

As the storm continues, residents should stay informed and listen to local authorities to stay safe.


Typhoon Kanun’s fury in South Korea was a reminder of nature’s cruelty. The impact was profound, and the ongoing challenges show how important preparation, awareness, and community unity are. As the country faces the aftermath, the resilience and strength of the Korean people will undoubtedly shine through.

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