Why Bible seaweed can’t be exported to Japan

Mapei Bible Seaweed has recently renewed the packaging of its eco-friendly package, Green Tea Seaweed. In the existing packaging, we emphasized the original brand mark “Map of Korea with Dokdo Island” and put it boldly on the front, and changed the font and design to make it more readable and sophisticated.

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Innovation in green packaging

“Green Tea Kim” is a product that reduces the volume of the package by about 38% by removing the plastic container and desiccant from the formerly chunky hexagonal plastic package. This is an important change that significantly reduces environmental impact and provides convenience for consumers. It’s also worth noting that the original brand design emphasized readability.

There’s nothing Christian about the meaning of “biblical”.

While many people may associate the name ‘Bible’ with Christian connotations, it actually means ‘surname to be fulfilled’ and ‘Seoul Gyeong’, and is said to represent the fulfillment of Kim’s capital. This illustrates the ambition of Bible Food, a local SME based in Daejeon, to be at the top of its game with its seaweed products. Here’s a little more about us


Launching a self-driving product

MapTable founder Sung Kim expressed his love for Dokdo by launching the Dokdo Edition product. As part of a campaign to promote reading, we held an event to give away 4 additional bags of green tea table seaweed when you purchase 20 bags of green tea table seaweed from Bible Seaweed’s official mall. It’s nice to see that they’re not just incorporating readership into their brand design, they’re actually running a campaign.

Map of Bible Kim’s Love of Dokdo

Map Table Bible Kim had long ago filed a trademark application for a map of Korea as a brand image. At the same time, it also included Dokdo, which signifies the land of the Republic of Korea, and was finally registered as a trademark in 2006.

Bible Foods is on a growth trajectory. Over the past three years, our sales have grown by about 25%, and we have recently expanded our export market from a domestic focus to include about 20 countries, including the United States, Canada, China, Vietnam, and Singapore. This shows the recognition and love of Bible Kim at home and abroad.

Overseas, unlike in Korea, where seaweed is used as a side dish, it is used as an ingredient in snacks and healthy foods. This is another example of the versatility of GIM.

The Future of Seaweed

Bible Kim has stated that he will continue to pursue his love of Dokdo to the end, and will continue to work toward his goal of building a growing Kim capital. Their innovation and love for their products will continue to be a favorite of consumers.

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