Woman accused of murdering Korean man gets 3 years in prison

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In August, following a stabbing rampage at Seohyun Station in Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, a woman in her 30s posted a murder threat against men at the same location, causing a social shock. The woman, A, was accused of posting a photo of herself holding a weapon with the caption, “Seo Hyun-yeok Friday goes to stab 20 men.” “Hannam” is a slang term commonly used as a derogatory term for Korean men.

What is the prosecution’s case?

At the trial, which was conducted by Deputy Chief Judge Kim Soo-jeong of the Suwon District Court Criminal Division 11, the prosecution requested that A be sentenced to three years in prison and a five-year work restriction order. This appears to take into account the serious impact of Mr. A’s behavior on society.

During the course of the trial, Mr. A submitted several reflections, stating that he was deeply remorseful for his actions. Judge Kim warned A about inappropriate behavior on the internet or social media and urged her to be careful. Mr. A’s defense attorney appealed for leniency, emphasizing that Mr. A has no criminal history and has been remorseful since the incident. “The defendant has spent every day since his arrest in tears and reflection,” the defense said in closing arguments at the sentencing hearing.

Cry and reflect daily

Following Mr. A’s post, the police responded quickly, deploying officers not only to Seohyeon Station, but also to a number of multi-density facilities. These were emergency measures to minimize social unrest, and show how much of an impact the event had.

A’s sentencing is scheduled for the 23rd. The outcome of this trial will be an important example of legal accountability for hate speech and behavior that causes social unrest. Because Mr. A’s case went beyond mere intimidation to fomenting social unrest and fear, the ruling will play an important role in setting the legal standard for similar cases in the future.

For more information and to learn about the social impact of this incident, please follow this link. This article provides a detailed background on the case and how it has progressed to date, which you may find useful for a deeper understanding.

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