5 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: A Zombie Survival Guide

Zombies have been a part of folklore and pop culture for centuries, often depicted as insatiable corpses or infected people spreading deadly viruses. If you find yourself surrounded by the undead, learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse.

person hugging tree

Step 1: Escape the city

At first, hunkering down in the city for necessities and food may seem like a good idea. But in an instant, you could be surrounded by thousands of zombies. According to a study by the University of Leicester, in about 100 days, humanity will face the apocalypse, leaving fewer than 300 survivors and zombies will outnumber us a million to one. So get out of the city and evacuate as far away from densely populated areas as possible. Zombies are not good swimmers, so it may be safest to seek refuge in a boat. No matter what, don’t go straight to a weapons or gun store. A chaotic situation with panicked people searching for weapons can be more dangerous than zombies.

Step 2: Make your home safe from zombies

If you’re far from water or can’t find a river or ocean right away, a hilly, mountainous area is the next best option, as it makes it harder for zombies to navigate the terrain. Once you’ve found high ground, look for sturdy buildings made of concrete, brick, and metal. Harden all entrances, barricade doors with furniture, board up windows, and block chimneys. You may feel safe, but don’t forget that at some point you’ll have to go outside for supplies.

Step 3: Create and armor

Make armor out of whatever you can find around you: hockey pads, gloves, a helmet to protect your brain, etc. Equip weapons for self-defense, but always stay away from zombies and avoid fighting them if possible. Use your weapon only when a zombie gets too close.

Step 4: Gather the essentials

Avoid driving to the supermarket due to the noise and potential to attract zombies. Instead, make sure you have enough non-perishable food, such as bottled water and canned goods, to last at least a few weeks. Stock up on important medications, first aid supplies, emergency supplies (such as batteries, cell phones, radios), and warm clothes and bedding.

Step 5: Mask the odor

If you’re surrounded by a horde of zombies with no way out, you need to be able to blend in with them by masking your scent. Camouflaging yourself with zombie flesh or guts will hide your scent from zombies and allow you to pass through them. Researchers at Doane University in Nebraska even created a perfume called “Ode to Death” that smells like rotting flesh to help with camouflage.

The idea of a zombie apocalypse may seem far-fetched, but it’s never a bad idea to be prepared for emergencies like this. It can’t hurt to know.

This post references the YouTube video below.

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