A review of the play The Shop That Sold Time

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The play The Shop That Sold Time is based on the young adult novel of the same title. It’s a lighthearted take on the philosophical themes of youth and time that’s a hot-button social issue right now, but in a way that the whole family can enjoy. The story revolves around a girl named Onzo who opens a special shop selling time, listening to people’s problems and running errands for them.

To summarize my review of the show, it’s the first “well-made play” I’ve seen in a long time. With bright chemistry between the actors and a tried-and-true storyline, it was fun for all ages and families. Not surprisingly, there is a willingness to return.

Cast. From left, Ji-yeon Kang, Gun-hoo Kim, Mi-rina Kim, and Kang Kang-seok

A story about time and growth

Let’s start with the appeal of this play alone. Best of all is the “tiki-taka” between the actors.
Even if you don’t care about the story, or the plot at all, the dialog between the actors is fun to watch. It’s enough to make elementary school kids giggle. That’s the beauty of theater: it’s lighthearted and accessible to all ages.

To keep things light, the story centers around a student named Onzo.

The main character, Onzo, is inspired by the ancient god of time, Kronos, to open a shop selling time under the nickname Kronos. The central theme revolves around the time that took the life of Onjo’s father prematurely.
Onzo is a bright, cheerful, and righteous character who lost his father in an unfortunate accident. I thought I’d help my mom and get a part-time job to save money, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. But at some point, I realized that time can be money, and that’s when I realized that my part-time job was paid by the hour. So a store that sells time was born.
The author manages to make what could have been a very philosophical and contemplative story surprisingly comfortable and entertaining. The story unfolds in a natural flow, using mystery novel techniques to keep readers curious and in suspense until the end.

Shop Actors Selling Time

The original novel is compelling

Without a solid plot and storyline, the show wouldn’t have been as entertaining as it was. The original novel, The Shop That Sold Time, was unanimously voted the most outstanding work by the judges of the inaugural Consonants and Vowels Young Adult Literature Awards in 2011. The judges unanimously praised the work as having the power to elevate Korean youth literature to the next level.
The author of the book, Sun Young Kim, is surprisingly (?) not a young author. Born in 1966 in Cheongwon, Chungcheongbuk-do, he lives in Cheongju as a novelist. She’s always wished she could do something fun like write novels for a living. When you look at it that way, it seems like the writer has already achieved his dream. Kim, who enjoys writing fiction, won the Daejeon Ilbo New Young Writers’ Prize in 2004 and has published a novel, “Miljeon. It’s been a long life in public obscurity. In 2011, he made waves in the literary world with his book The Shop That Sold Time. As a result, she hopes to write novels that empower and inspire young people.

Venue locations and ticketing?

The Shop That Sold Time is currently playing at the Blue Theater on University Avenue. Parking is limited, so public transportation is recommended. Parking in the Broadcasting and Telecommunications University parking lot gives you some discounts, but you’ll have to fight your way through the mindlessly moving crowds and wait in line for parking.

In conclusion, The Shop That Sold Time is a delightful adaptation that captivates audiences with its engaging storytelling and wit. Don’t miss your chance to experience a mesmerizing story that spans generations.




  1. What is the central theme of The Shop That Sold Time?
    The passage of time and its impact on people’s lives is a central theme.
  2. Who is the main character in The Shop That Sold Time?
    The main character is Onzo, who opens a shop selling time under the nickname Kronos.
  3. What inspired Onzo to open a shop that sells time?
    Onzo’s part-time job taught him that time is money, and he opened a shop inspired by Kronos, the god of time.
  4. What awards did the novel The Shop That Sold Time win?
    It won the inaugural Consonants and Vowels Young Adult Literature Award in 2011.
  5. Where is “The Shop That Sold Time” being performed?
    It’s playing at the Blue Theater on University Avenue.


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