3 Reasons Why AdSense Disapproves AI content


As AI advances, such as ChatGPT and Bard, the quality of content written by AI is improving. In line with this trend, more and more people are turning to AI to write their blog posts.

But did you know that writing blog posts with artificial intelligence can make it harder to get approved for AdSense? According to the AdSense policy,“content must be original and informative“. Also,“content must be human-generated” (this is no doubt according to the answer from Bard, Google’s AI service, as of December 7, 2023), so AI-generated content may violate the policy due to the originality of the content and the fact that it is not human-generated.

Specifically, AI-generated content may not be approved for AdSense for the following reasons

Grammar and spelling errors

AI doesn’t yet handle grammar and spelling as well as humans. As a result, AI-generated content is likely to contain grammatical and spelling errors. This may constitute “low-quality content,” which is prohibited by the AdSense policy.

For example, if an AI generated the sentence “It’s sunny today”, it might make grammatical and spelling errors, such as “It’s sonny today” or “Sunny is today”. Errors like this are common in English content.

Lack of originality

Because AI learns from large text datasets, it is more likely to produce text that is similar to text that already exists. As a result, AI-generated content is likely to be less original. This may constitute “duplicate content,” which is prohibited by the AdSense policy.

For example, if an AI generates a sentence like “K-POP is a representative cultural content of Korea”, it can generate text that is similar to existing text, such as “K-POP is a cultural content representative of Korea” or “K-POP is a music genre representative of Korean culture”.

Lack of logic

AI is not yet capable of thinking as logically as humans. Therefore, AI-generated content is likely to be illogical. This may constitute “low quality content,” which is prohibited by the AdSense policy.

For example, if an AI generates the sentence “K-POP is a cultural content that represents Korea, so K-POP will be popular worldwide”, the content may lack logic because it doesn’t specifically explain why K-POP will be popular worldwide.

Of course, even AI-generated content can solve these problems. For example, AI-generated content can be reviewed by humans to correct grammatical and spelling errors, or to reduce similarities to existing text to increase originality. However, these tasks require significant time and effort.

So, if you want to write blog posts with AI, it’s important to write your content with these issues in mind. You should also be careful to check the AdSense policies carefully to make sure you’re not violating them.

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Smart uses for AI generated posts

To get your AI-generated content approved for AdSense, you might want to consider the following methods

  • We strive to make AI-generated content unique.
  • We strive to bring logic to AI-generated content.

Here’s how to do it specifically

Humans review AI-generated content to correct grammar and spelling errors.

Because AI can’t yet handle grammar and spelling as well as humans, it’s important to have a human review AI-generated content to correct grammar and spelling errors. This is because content with grammatical and spelling errors can constitute “low-quality content,” which is prohibited by the AdSense policy.

Reduce the similarity of AI-generated content to existing text.

Because AI learns from large text datasets, it is more likely to produce text that is similar to text that already exists. Therefore, it is important to work to reduce the similarity of AI-generated content to existing text.

To reduce the similarity to existing text, you can consider the following methods.

* Allow artificial intelligence to generate content on various topics.
* Modify the similar parts in the content generated by artificial intelligence by comparing them with existing texts.
* Add own thoughts and opinions to the content generated by artificial intelligence.

Make AI-generated content unique.

AI-generated content must be original in order to be approved for AdSense. Therefore, it’s important to strive to make AI-generated content unique.

To make your AI-generated content unique, you can consider the following methods.

* Provide various sources of information to artificial intelligence.
* Enable artificial intelligence to generate various creative text formats.
* Add your own thoughts and opinions to the content generated by artificial intelligence.

Bring logic to AI-generated content.

AI-generated content must be logical in order to be approved for AdSense. Therefore, it is important to strive to bring logic to the content generated by AI.

To bring logic to your AI-generated content, you can consider the following methods.

* Provide clear topics and objectives to artificial intelligence.
* Review the content generated by artificial intelligence to grasp logical flow.
* Enhance the logic of the content generated by artificial intelligence by adding one's own thoughts and opinions.


Using AI to write blog posts is a great way to save time and effort. However, in order for AI-generated content to be approved for AdSense, it must address issues such as grammatical and spelling errors, lack of originality, and lack of logic. So if you’re going to write a blog post with AI, it’s important to write your content with these issues in mind.

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