Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology

This category explores personal growth and development through the lens of psychology and transpersonal psychology. We explore ways to understand human selfhood and growth on a deeper and broader level, beyond just the issues and concerns of everyday life. Transcendental psychology recognizes that an individual’s development is not simply determined by their environment or experiences, but is connected to a wider existence. In this space, join us on a journey to find deeper insights into human value, purpose, and how to improve our lives. Together we will learn how our language shapes our perceptions and experiences, and how it contributes to our individual and collective growth.

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The paradox of reflection as illustrated by the stabbing per minute case

On the morning of August 10, Choi Won-jong, a suspect in the Bundang stabbing and weapons rampage, showed his bare face while being transferred from the Seongnam Sujeong Police Station detention center in Seongnam Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, to the prosecution and said, “I’m really sorry to the victims.” Does he mean what he says? I […]

The paradox of reflection as illustrated by the stabbing per minute case Read More »

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Mental health in the workplace: strategies for employers and employees

Mental health in the workplace has become a growing concern in recent years. We spend a significant portion of our lives at work, so it’s important to prioritize mental health in the workplace. Both employers and employees play an important role in creating a supportive and healthy workplace. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies

Mental health in the workplace: strategies for employers and employees Read More »

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The Science Behind the Law of Attraction: How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Reality

The law of attraction has gained considerable popularity in recent years, with many claiming that it has the power to shape our reality based on our thoughts and intentions. But is there a scientific basis for this phenomenon? Can positive thinking really impact our lives? In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind the

The Science Behind the Law of Attraction: How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Reality Read More »


From anxiety to personality disorders: 4 types of mental health disorders

Mental health disorders affect millions of people around the world, impacting their overall well-being and quality of life. These disorders can manifest in a variety of ways, causing significant pain and interfering with daily functioning. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of mental health disorders, highlighting their symptoms, causes, and potential treatments.

From anxiety to personality disorders: 4 types of mental health disorders Read More »

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Meditation and Physical Health: 3 Benefits

Meditation is often associated with mental and emotional well-being, but did you know that it offers many physical benefits as well? Regular meditation practice has been proven to have a positive impact on many aspects of physical health. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving cardiovascular health, the physical benefits of meditation are truly amazing.

Meditation and Physical Health: 3 Benefits Read More »


4:44… Why do we often see similar numbers when we look at the clock?

These days, it’s commonplace to carry your phone around with you and check the time constantly. As you do, you may find yourself seeing certain combinations of numbers frequently, such as 4:44. Let’s take a look at this phenomenon and explain why we focus on these numbers. The Bader-Meinhof Phenomenon and Selective Attention The reason

4:44… Why do we often see similar numbers when we look at the clock? Read More »

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Understanding the importance of mental status exams

Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being, but it often goes unnoticed or undervalued. An important component of understanding and assessing mental health is the Mental Status Examination (MSE). This comprehensive assessment provides valuable insight into an individual’s cognitive functioning, mood, and overall mental state. In this blog post, we take a closer

Understanding the importance of mental status exams Read More »

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