Growing up: Advice for managing growth in elementary school kids

One of the biggest concerns for parents of growing children is their height growth. In particular, children are growing up younger and younger, making growth management even more important from a younger age. In this article, we’ll share some tips and recommendations for helping your elementary school child grow taller.

1. Exercise activities that are good for your height

The most common way to support height growth is through exercise. Here are some exercises to help stimulate your growth plates and release growth hormone.

  • Vertical exercises: Jumping rope and basketball are good examples of commonly practiced vertical exercises. Jumping rope improves your balance and flexibility, and helps strengthen your lower body muscles, including your legs and abdominals. Basketball improves hand-eye coordination and requires a variety of movements and quick actions, which is great for improving cardiorespiratory endurance and strength. As such, these exercises are very popular with fitness practitioners and can be a good choice for an effective vertical workout.
  • Stretching: Stretching makes our bodies flexible and helps us through a variety of movements such as bending at the waist, stretching out, and stretching our hips. Not only do these movements improve muscle flexibility, balance, and relieve muscle tension, but they also have the added benefit of relieving fatigue and stress. As such, stretching is an essential part of our daily routine and can go a long way in keeping us healthy and comfortable.
2 women playing basketball during daytime

2. Choose a nutritional supplement to help you grow taller

Nutrition to help with height growth is another option to consider. Look for nutraceuticals that contain the following ingredients

  • Astragalus Extract: Astragalus extract induces an increase in growth protein (IGFBP3) and growth factor (IGF-1), which in turn promotes bone density and length. This results in stronger, more robust bones, which are critical for growth and development. In fact, astragalus extract increases calcium stores along with the absorption of calcium from the bones, and helps the body absorb calcium so that it is fully available in the bones. In addition, astragalus extract promotes cellular activation in the bone, which encourages the formation of new bone tissue and helps maintain bone balance. Therefore, astragalus extract is a natural ingredient that is beneficial for bone health and effective in preventing bone damage and osteoporosis.
  • Calcium, zinc, and protein: Calcium, zinc, and protein each act as building blocks for bone, contribute to the secretion and activity of growth hormone, and act as nutrients to support growth, as well as building blocks for hormones.

One thing to keep in mind when buying nutritional supplements is to check for additives. Some nutraceuticals may contain chemical ingredients such as synthetic flavors, colors, and cyclodextrins. These ingredients can cause side effects and should be avoided. You can find additive-free supplements from brands like Nutricore.

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3. note the average height

To help you manage your child’s growth, check out the Department of Education’s “2019 National Student Health Examination Sample Statistics” for average height. This will help you get an objective view of your child’s growth. The average key is

  • 6th grade boy: 152 cm
  • 6th grade girl: 152.3 cm

In conclusion, the key to managing growth in elementary school children is proper exercise and nutrition. These efforts will help children grow up healthy.

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