How to watch Apple Space videos, Quest or Picos

The virtual reality (VR) industry is about to take a leap forward with the introduction of a groundbreaking feature called “spatial video” by Apple. People can now take and watch 3D videos that offer a whole new level of immersion. In this article, we’ll take a look at what spatial video does, how to convert and view it on different VR headsets, and the impact it will have on the VR industry.

a pair of virtual glasses on a pink and yellow background

Understanding spatial video

Spatial Video is an innovative feature introduced in the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models that captures two 1080p 30 FPS views with the phone’s wide and ultra-wide angle cameras. These views are then stitched together to create a 3D video with depth. The video is saved in the Apple HEVC stereo video profile format, which is designed specifically for the upcoming Apple Vision Pro headset.

The upcoming Apple Vision Pro headset will support native playback of spatial video. This means that users will be able to enjoy these immersive videos without any additional software or conversion.

Convert spatial video for different VR headsets

The Apple Vision Pro headset is an ideal device for watching spatial videos, but there are ways to watch these videos on other VR headsets. Apple has released the specification for the Apple HEVC Stereo Video Profile, allowing developers to create third-party solutions for video conversion.

One such solution is an app called Spatial Video Converter(currently $3) or Spatialify($4). These apps allow you to convert spatial video to a regular side-by-side video format. These converted videos can then be transferred to your PC and viewed on the Quest, Pico, Vive XR Elite, or any PC VR headset.

To convert a spatial video, simply select the video and tap “Convert to full screen”. Transfer the converted file to your PC using AirDrop for Mac or a third-party iPhone file transfer method for Windows. For standalone headsets like Quest or Pico, transfer the file to the headset via USB, then use the Files app on Quest or the file manager on Pico to view the video. For Quest, tap the ‘2D’ icon in the bottom right corner and select ‘3D Side by Side’, or for Pico, click ‘Switch Mode’ and select ‘3D SBS’. For PC VR headsets, there are a number of software options available, such as Virtual Desktop Classic, DeoVR Video Player, or Whirligig VR Media Player.

Spatial video viewing experience

The viewing experience of spatial videos depends on the VR headset you use. Users of the Quest 3 headset say the depth of spatial video isn’t as pronounced as with a dedicated 3D camera, but it’s still noticeable and adds a new level of immersion. Although simulated by stitching two videos together, the ability to tour the video gives users a unique perspective that enhances the overall viewing experience.

It’s also worth noting that the non-pro version of the iPhone 16, which is expected to launch next year, is also expected to support spatial videography. This means that the spatial video creator base could grow to hundreds of millions in the near future.

The future of spatial video conversion

Currently, converting spatial videos for viewing on other VR headsets requires third-party apps and manual file transfers. However, as spatial video grows in popularity and the need for cross-platform compatibility increases, it’s possible that companies like Meta (formerly Facebook Reality Labs) will support the MV-HEVC format natively. This eliminates the need for conversion and provides a seamless experience for users on a variety of VR headsets.

Explore the potential of spatial video

The introduction of spatial video opens up exciting possibilities for content creators and consumers alike. With the ability to shoot immersive 3D video with ubiquitous devices like the iPhone, the potential for creative storytelling and immersive experiences is endless.

For content creators, spatial video offers a new medium to engage viewers and provide a unique perspective. Whether you’re capturing breathtaking landscapes, documenting events, or creating an immersive narrative, spatial video adds a new dimension to visual storytelling.

On the consumer side, spatial video offers the opportunity to explore virtual environments and relive experiences in a more immersive way. From travel and adventure to gaming and entertainment, spatial video offers a new level of engagement and immersion that traditional video can’t match.


The introduction of spatial video in the iPhone 15 Pro and the upcoming Apple Vision Pro headset marks a significant milestone in the evolution of VR technology. Spatial video adds a new level of immersion and engagement with the ability to capture and view 3D video with depth. The conversion process for viewing spatial video on other VR headsets may be a temporary solution, but the growing popularity of the technology may lead to native support on various platforms in the future.

As the VR industry continues to evolve, spatial video has the potential to change the way we consume and create content. Whether exploring virtual worlds, reliving memories, or experiencing immersive narratives, spatial video opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for users and content creators alike.

Now you’re ready to dive into the world of spatial video. The future of VR is here, and it’s more immersive than ever.

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