U.S. nervous about China’s cyber threats

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China has become our biggest enemy in cyberspace, CNN reports. That’s because U.S. officials have publicly stated that they believe Chinese malicious code is hidden in their defense systems. It’s not just a sneak peek, they’re actually looking for Chinese malicious software. The threat has the potential to disrupt military communications and supply operations, the report says.(Related article)

Hidden dangers in cyberspace

The U.S. government believes malicious computer code is hidden inside networks that control the electricity grid, communications systems, and even water supplies to military bases. The discovery has amplified fears that hackers could disrupt U.S. military operations in the event of a bilateral conflict – a huge threat, especially with China’s growing conflict with the U.S. over Taiwan.

The analysis is that the Chinese-planted malware is no joke, and that China could cut off power, water, and communications to make military bases inaccessible or slow, as well as harm many civilians.

Recent examples of cyber operations

The discovery of this malicious software is reminiscent of a recent case involving hackers from China, previously reported by CNN.

The email account of Nicholas Burns, the U.S. ambassador to China, has been hacked since the beginning of the month, according to a report by the New York Times, a popular current affairs weekly. Microsoft and the White House have confirmed that China-based hackers hacked into the email accounts of two dozen organizations, including federal agencies.

Hidden code = potential threats

U.S. officials have consistently characterized China as the most advanced U.S. adversary in cyberspace. The FBI says Beijing has a hacking program bigger than all other governments combined.

Antony Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, said he raised the issue with a senior Chinese diplomat earlier this month, though he did not provide details on the extent to which the issue was raised.


  1. What malware are U.S. officials looking for?

U.S. officials are looking for malicious computer code that they believe China may have. These codes are thought to be hidden in networks that control the electrical grid, communication systems, and water supplies to military bases.

  1. How could this malware affect the United States?

When triggered, malicious code can cause significant damage to critical infrastructure, including power grids, military communications, and water supplies. This could disrupt U.S. military operations or affect civilians.

  1. How does malware affect the ability to quickly deploy military bases and conduct supply operations?

Malware can destabilize power, water, and communications systems, delaying or disrupting military base deployments and supply operations. This can make it difficult for us to conduct military operations in emergency situations.

  1. What have China-based hackers hacked in the past?

China-based hackers recently hacked the email account of U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns. Microsoft and the White House also confirmed that China-based hackers compromised the email accounts of 20 organizations, including federal agencies.

  1. What role does China play in cyberspace?

China is considered the most formidable enemy of the United States due to its advanced hacker programs in cyberspace. The FBI has stated that China has a larger hacking program than all other governments combined.

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