Cultural Life

This category offers in-depth reviews and news about books, movies, and media content, all from the perspective of psychology and linguistics. We don’t just consume works of art and media content, we explore how they affect our minds and how language shapes and reflects our cultural experiences. In this space, we’ll explore understanding the language of our own and others’ minds through the cultural content we enjoy, and how it affects our perceptions and emotions. Read the language of our minds through cultural life.


Why Street Carols Are Dead, and It’s Not Because of Copyright Fees!

Blame noise and energy regulations As we approach the end of the year, many people are wondering about the sudden disappearance of carols from the streets. While it was generally thought to be due to copyright issues, the Korean Music Copyright Association recently linked the phenomenon to noise regulations and energy policy. The Noise and

Why Street Carols Are Dead, and It’s Not Because of Copyright Fees! Read More »

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Modernizing a hanok

A hanok is defined as a building constructed using traditional wooden construction methods, but over the past few decades, it has undergone various changes and is now recognized as a hanok for all types of buildings, including thatched houses, nawa houses, palaces, and temples. Whereas traditional hanoks have a spontaneous or planned collective landscape and

Modernizing a hanok Read More »

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The Lee Sun-Kyun drug case shows the problem of drugs in nightclubs and entertainment.

The news of actor Lee Sun-Kyun ‘s drug case has already been reported by several media outlets. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the relationship between celebrity drug use and nightclubs, focusing on the case of Lee Sun-Kyun. Overview of Lee Sun-Kyundrug case Actor Lee Sun-Kyunwas investigated by the Incheon National Police

The Lee Sun-Kyun drug case shows the problem of drugs in nightclubs and entertainment. Read More »

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Baby Monster Debuts: What’s new about YG’s new girl group?

Baby Monster’s debut video is trending worldwide with 22 million views in 24 hours! YG Entertainment, one of South Korea’s leading entertainment agencies, has unveiled the newest girl group to join the K-pop scene, Baby Monster. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the girl group’s debut, and with the song “Batter Up,” it’s here.

Baby Monster Debuts: What’s new about YG’s new girl group? Read More »

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Here’s what he had to say about the rumored parting of ways with Crush and Red Velvet Joy.

Crush addressed the breakup rumors during a broadcast, revealing his love for Red Velvet Zoe. Last 12月 8日, Crush released the 游戏 During Red Velvet Joey Indirectly Mention Eyes dragged. (Photo: Instagram: @crush9244) Red Velvet Joy, Crush On December 8, 2023, the YouTube channel ‘Halmyungsoo’ released a video titled ‘[Myungsoo’s B&B] MT was fun…’. Welcome

Here’s what he had to say about the rumored parting of ways with Crush and Red Velvet Joy. Read More »

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